Special Message Gail Reese


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Stop The Violence Campaign Information

Dear Co-laborer in Christ:

In light of the Violence that has and is taking place around the world and in our cities (Not forgetting the victims and all affected by the violence of Imperial, Tremont, Success Tech Academy, Chardon High School, Cudell Rec. Ctr. and in the fall of last year a 5 year old, 3 year old and 5 month killed on Cleveland Streets by gun violence of youth and young adults, and the list goes on.) we must declare together, Enough is Enough! Please prayerfully consider joining forces with us, with some solutions to combat all forms of violence in our homes, schools and streets throughout our communities, cities, and the world!


We would like to ask you to consider partnering with the (STV) Stop The Violence Campaign in the following ways:

  1. Plan to attend and invite others to the Friday Night LIVE (Youth and Adults) (It is being held in Euclid, but all Greater Cleveland Communities, Cities and all School Districts are invited to participate.) There will be Workshops for All Ages on topics such as: Anti-Bullying, Anger Management and Conflict Resolution, Social Media and Violence, How to avoid the traps of Gangs, Sexual Assault: Rape, Human Trafficking, etc., How to Cope with Grief and more.

(Share via Announcements, Church Bulletin, Distribute Post Cards or Flyers, etc. We can provide copies if needed)



  1. Help recruit volunteers (Volunteer Meeting Tuesday April 5th6:30pm at the Ministry

of Reconciliation Ministry House on Emery Road in Warrensville Hts.)


  1. Share if you have a Youth Ministry Talent to be considered to participate: (Mime,

Praise Dancers, Choir, Rap, etc.)


  1. Encourage your Youth to participate in the STV Contest for Cash Prizes (Essay, Poem,

Rap, Art)


  1. Share a donation


Please respond as soon as possible. Please let us know if you desire more information.

Thank you so very much for your time and consideration!



Praying for you with love,
Gail R. Reese

216-571-4885    stvcampaign3@sbcglobal.net