Sponsorship Information

Sponsorship Proposal
To present organizations with information about Pneuma Life Foundation and garner support for the Walk-It-Out Walkathon to help end domestic violence.
To attain sponsorship dollars to present an A-1 event that benefits survivors of violence with the tools to move forward and live their best lives in any way possible while putting your company name in front of 250-plus participants and new businesses looking to network and expand. We want your company name to be associated with the numerous individuals, agencies and organizations associated with a PLF event cause and a great cause. We intend to have every audience member walk away with information that helps them, their children, or others become more productive members of society.
Changing the world isn’t done with one grand gesture, but a series of small accomplishments that reinforce the idea that it can be done. Let PLF be your first step in the process of making the world we live in a little more pleasant. Please look at the following options to help resolve an issue that has been plaguing individuals and families far too long.
A PLF event reaches a variety of key audience segments and provides a fun, entertaining and engaging way for sponsors to wow potential as well as existing stakeholders. Feel good about supporting a local organization whose cause uplifts families and helps better us all. You’ll enjoy an unforgettable event as well as yourself.
How You Can Help
“Walk-It-Out” is a not-for-profit event that is open to all participants. We rely on help from potential sponsors to assist us in pulling this project together. For a minimal donation, your organization can be instrumental in being the change our community desperately wants to see someone that would benefit from an event of this magnitude, or just wants some good old-fashioned exercise, send them our way! Consider a role as one of our guest speakers or vendors. If you have insight on, or a story to tell about, domestic violence please enlighten our audience by sharing information. First-hand accounts and resources are great ways to move others in the direction of our cause.
We are fully aware of the economic state of our nation and how purse strings are being pulled tighter to maintain structures that already exist. But, we strongly believe that the goodwill this walkathon imposes will be of huge benefit to our sponsors as not only a Domestic Violence Awareness Month acknowledgement but a goodwill gesture toward the community. In return it will bring awareness to our cause. Just a miniscule amount of your support will make an enormous impact.
We are fully aware of the economic state of our nation and how purse strings are being pulled tighter to maintain structures that already exist. But, we strongly believe that the goodwill this walkathon imposes will be of huge benefit to our sponsors as not only a Domestic Violence Awareness Month acknowledgement but a goodwill gesture toward the community. In return it will bring awareness to our cause. Just a miniscule amount of your support will make an enormous impact.
We ask that you consider these options:
Platinum Presenting Sponsor: $2500
- All press and promotional materials will list your organization as our presenting sponsor with your prominently placed logo. Your organization will be mentioned in press interviews as our presenting sponsor
- Your company name and logo will be listed on the event program
- Social media @s and mentions
- Reception table set up in or outside of the venue displaying sponsor’s logo/banner and all informational products.
- Vocal mention by event host thanking sponsors involved
- Your company’s name will be mentioned on radio as the presenting sponsor every time the host mentions the event – “brought to you by…”
- Company info will appear in gift bags to be given to audience participants
- Company can provide up to 2 teams of walkers (up to 6 persons per team).
Gold Sponsor: $1500
- All press and promotional materials will list your organization
- Your company name and logo will be listed on the event program
- Social media @s and mentions
- Reception table set up in or outside the venue displaying sponsor’s logo/banner and all informational products
- Vocal mention by event host thanking sponsors involved
- Company info will appear in gift bags to be given to each guest
- Company can provide up to 8 walkers
Silver Sponsor: $1000
- Reception table set up in or outside the venue displaying sponsor’s logo/banner and all informational products
- Your company name and logo will be listed on the event program
- Social media @s and mentions
- Vocal mention by event host thanking sponsors involved
- Company info will appear in gift bags to be given to each guest
- Company can provide up to 6 walkers
Bronze Sponsor: $500
- Your company name and logo will be listed on the event program
- Vocal mention by event host thanking sponsors involved
- Company info will appear in gift bags to be given to each guest
- Company can provide up to 4 walkers
Ruth Johnson-Williams
Pneuma Life Foundation
P.O. Box 24854
Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124
(216) 263-6044